In a report released at a news conference in Dushanbe, Nusratullo Davlatzoda, the head of the Tax Committee under the Government of Tajikistan, revealed on February 18 that tax debts have reached 844 million somonis (equivalent to 75 million U.S. dollars)
The Branch of the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat in Tajikistan for supervisor, construction contracts management. POSITION: Supervisor,
A tender for sale of Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) Azot (formerly TojikAzot – fertilizer plant) took place on February 15, Saadi Qodirzoda, the head of the State Committee on Investment and State-owned Property Management (GosKomInvest), told repo...
The Tax Committee under the Government of Tajikistan has initiated criminal proceedings against promoters and top managers of two private companies, which are charged with tax evasion. Criminal proceedings have reportedly been brought agai...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has appointed Shanny Campbell as its new Country Director for Tajikistan, according to the ADB Tajikistan Resident Mission (TJRM). She assumes office today. Ms. Campbell will lead ADB’s operations in Tajiki...
Central Asia’s largest poultry farm is being built in Danghara, hometown of President Emomali Rahmon. The poultry farm, which is being built by Avesto Group in the Sebiston jamoat, is expected to be introduction into operation in March, by Navro...
The Antimonopoly Agency under the Government of Tajikistan will start checking the jet fuel prices within the next few days. The head of the Antimonopoly Agency Abdulmajid Muminzoda remarked this yesterday at a meeting with reporters in Dushanbe. H...
President Emomali Rahmon, who is also Head of the Government of Tajikistan, has approved new members of the Board of the State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) Sanoatsodirotbonk (Industry & Export Bank). By government’s decree Saadi Qodirzoda, Head ...
The Mountain Societies Development Support Program (MSDSP), a project of the Aga Khan Foundation Tajikistan, requests competent candidates to apply via sealed bids or online application for the supply of high-quality seed potatoes according to the follo...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has appointed Eugene Zhukov as Director General of its Central and West Asia Regional Department, says a press release issued by ADB on January 15. As Director General, Mr. Zhukov will lead ADB’s engagement with ...
Construction of Sebzor Hydropower Project ( Строительство Себзорской ГЭС ) Bau Sebzor Hydropower Project - Tadschikistan Veröffentlichung auf der GTAI-Webseite Veröffentlichung 12.01.2021 Deutsche Zusammenfa
The Tajik civil aviation authorities have given permission to airlines to increase the number of regular flights from Dushanbe to Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and Istanbul (Turkey) from one to four per week. Tajikistan’s privately owned air carr...
Addressing the climate change challenges and the growing threat of global warming has long been one of the main goals of many countries around the world. In Tajikistan, among various actions to address the climate change issues, the Government adopted its
A paper by Ziyodullo Parpiyev, a senior lecturer at the Economics Department of Westminster International University in Tashkent, and visiting lecturer at the Economics Department of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, discuss...
Over the first eleven months of this year, 14 corporate residents (more than 40 percent) of 30 corporate residents registered with the Sughd Free Economic Zone (FEZ Sughd) have operated. The remaining 16 enterprises are reportedly still at the s...
Tajikistan has exempted Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) Sangtudinskaya GES-1, which operates the Sangtuda-1 Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), from paying interest on tax arrears in 2021. OJSC Sangtudinskaya GES-1 has been granted tax breaks due to a st...
LLC Tax and Legal Advisers, which is one of Tajikistan’s largest tax and legal firms, has established cooperation with Andersen Global®, an association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax and legal professionals around
Heads of two joint-stock companies established on the basis of Barqi Tojik (Tajikistan national power utility company) were appointed on November 11. Umedjon Bilolzoda was appointed Director-General of the Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) Power Distr...
Tickets for the Dushanbe-Moscow flight that will be operated by Russia's Utair on November 14 have already been sold. Utair’s representative office in Dushanbe offers to wait for other flights. Since the plane will arrive in Dushanbe empty, ...
Sherali Kabirov, who was appointed on November 3 to head the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, is expected to continue to run the Tajik Aluminum Company (TALCO) as well. A source close to TALCO’s management told Asia-Plus this on the ...