Kazakh grain exporters may have difficulties in the connection with the increase of grain production of Russia and Ukraine., said Agriculture Minister Akylbek Kurishbayev at the meeting in the Ministry, chaired by Prime Minister Karim Massimov.

Russia can harvest 90-96 million tons of grains and grain legumes this year in comparison with the 81.8 million tons harvested in 2007. Ukraine is expected to collect 40 million tons of grain, said Kurishbaev.

“Because of intensive grain shipment for export by Russian and Ukrainian traders, facilities of ports of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov will be too busy. This will present an obstacle for Kazakhstan’s exports of grain due to the heavy accumulation of wagons in the ports”, the Minister said.

Kurishbayev noted that there are many problems on the Southern border which are connected with the difficulty of grain shipment for export to Afghanistan and Iran.

The Prime Minister noted that lifting of ban on grain export from September 1 will allow Kazakh exporters to use transport routes before intensive grain shipment from Russia and Ukraine begins.