On October 15, opening of international conference on "Prospects for development of small and medium size businesses in Kazakhstan" was held in Almaty.

"KAZKA", the Kazakhstan Entrepreneurs Association is the organizer of the conference. Currently accosiation includes 120 companies working in fields of construction, building materials, shipping, agriculture, chemical industry, real estate, trade, etc.

The aim of the conference is the organization of professional fields - a common space in which the leaders - members of financial market can conduct direct dialogue with the conference delegates to develop peer responses to acute questions of business financing .

Foreign experts participating in the forum share their experience of successful development of small and medium-sized businesses.

In the course of extended meeting of Kazakhstan''s Governnemt, the President Nursultan Nazarbayev identified several areas of the government''s activities for upcoming period, in pacticular, macroeconomic stability, social welfare, economic modernization, informed Azat Peruashev, the Chairman of the National Economic Chamber of Kazakhstan "Atameken Union". Today government is preparing for the enlarged meeting, where number of programs to counter global economic trends will be adopted," said Peruashev.

"Production slow-down is occurring in the world. This effects iron and steel industries. Now it is visible that anti-crisis measures taken by government last year were appropriate. Our government initiated steps to secure refinancing of the business of funding to support the financial system last year, whereas Western countries have decided to support the banking sector only this autumn," underlined Peruashev.