Exhibition of Economic Achievements of Turkmenistan has opened in Ashgabat today. The organizers of the large-scale exposition timed to the 17th anniversary of independence are the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the sectoral ministries and departments, the khyakimlik of the regions and Ashgabat.

This exhibition is the largest one for the number of exhibits presented. About a hundred of the business entities operating in all spheres of national economy arrived in the capital of independent neutral Turkmenistan to participate in the main exhibition of the country. The pavilions of over 40 ministries and departments demonstrate the dynamics of unprecedented economic transformations, the success of large-scale progressive reforms initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The expositions of the strategic sectors of Turkmen economy: oil and gas, energy, textile industries and transport are of particular interest.

Participation of private producers vividly illustrates the national strategy aimed at creating incentives for entrepreneurial activity, small-scale and medium-scale businesses in the country. Most of them operate in the real sector of economy producing foodstuff, construction materials, printing products.

The representative national forum is a considerable opportunity for Turkmen producers to demonstrate the high rate of production based on the use of advanced technologies.

The diplomas and certificates will be presented to the participants on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The three-day exhibition will arouse keen interest not only among of specialists but also thousands of the people and guests of Ashgabat.