Tashkent is hosting a national conference titled "Law on arbitration courts: two-year experience and prospects" dedicated to the results of arbitration courts in last two years, including improvement of legislation in the field of arbitration, work of arbitration courts and study international experience.

Conference participants will discuss development of arbitration in Uzbekistan, its current state and prospects for further development, experience of transition economies in the development of arbitration courts, the role of state bodies and academic institutions in arbitration trial. They also will learn models of strategic negotiations and searching win-win solutions, which would meet interests of all parties of the dispute.

V.Inbavijayan, Indian advocate and international arbitrator, is taking part in the work of the conference. Expert will share the experience of the emerging economies in development of arbitration courts and how they tackled challenges. Inbavijayan also will conduct training of trainers for arbitrators and the staff of the Arbitration Development Center within the framework of educational sessions.

Arbitration system is relatively new institution in Uzbekistan. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On arbitration courts" was adopted in August 2006 and it came into force on 1 January 2007.

Ms. Anita Nirody, UNDP Resident Representative and UN Resident Coordinator, said arbitration is becoming more and more popular in the world as it is clear efficiency of this method of dispute resolution. The arbitration trial is developing rapidly in Uzbekistan. According to recent data, arbitration courts in Uzbekistan handled 1623 cases with total amount of 34 billion soums during January 2007-November 2008.