The Kyrgyz Ministry of Internal Affairs warns about possible inrush of the Afghan heroin to the country, Madiyar Kuluev, head of the drug trafficking control department told reporters on Friday, December 5, 2008.

According to the research results by the United Nations Organization the expected harvest of opium in 2008 will reach 8,200 tons - sufficient for production of 820 tons of heroin. The drug is processed in Afghanistan and trafficked to near-by and far-away countries. Kyrgyzstan is a known transit point in the global drug trafficking network.

Heroin is one of the most wide-spread drugs in Kyrgyzstan, the price of which at the black market makes $10,000 per kilo, Kuluev said.

Local criminal groupings, in touch with Tajik, Kazakh and Russian criminal circles are reportedly involved in the transit trafficking. Meanwhile, the drug control agents do not posses any information on alleged involvement of the U.S. airmen of the Manas base in the drug trafficking.