Only 8,556 of 50 thousand foreigners in Kyrgyzstan obtained the official work permit, Aigul Ryskulova the chief of state migration and employment committee said at the Ak Jol fraction meeting Wednesday.

“It is not a secret that China citizens, coming in Kyrgyzstan pay almost $ 2 thousand, but whom? They do not speak official language, do not know any terms and laws. Consequently, there are some agile persons, who make money of it, but nobody knows how much the state budget gets,” Ziyadin Jamaldinov the lawmaker said.

This way he commented the initiative of the deputy Iskhak Masaliev to make changes in Kyrgyz External migration and External labor migration laws, vesting the government with the power to set the labor migration quotes, excluding the parliament from the process.

Ryskulova said that the department can not calculate the exact number of foreigners in Kyrgyzstan.

“We do not a function of migration process control. Citizens of many countries can live in Kyrgyzstan without registration up to three months, besides there are some foreigners, obtaining residency or Kyrgyz citizenship. There are also foreign citizens, working in international organizations in Kyrgyzstan,” Ryskulova noted.