Explanation of Kazakhstan’s new Tax Code main provisions is the aim of a seminar being held in Capital’s Congress Hall at present.

Delivering a speech Ruslan Dalenov, Vice Finances Minister noted that state bodies and business communities did a huge work on development of the new Tax Code. It was pointed out that the new document should fully conform to the principle of a direct action law.

On one side the improvement process of tax administration aims at improvement and activation of tax control. On the other side it stimulates taxpayers to interact with the state. “All of these should lead to more efficient functioning of the tax system as well as to stable growth of business activity in the country,” Dalenov said.

As earlier reported, the main provisions of the new Tax Code are based on three principles defined in the President’s Message to the Nation from February 6, 2008. They are lowering tax burden on non-primary sector of economy, lowering administrative barriers and improve efficiency of tax administration.

“The measures foreseen in the Tax Code are directed on enhancement of competitiveness of the tax system of Kazakhstan and provision of favorable conditions for development of new progressive approaches to taxation. This will promote modernization of the economy and the state in whole,” Dalenov said.