During the trading week of January 19-23 2009 Tashkent Stock Exchange (UzSE) registered 172 deals on the shares of 33 corporations. In total 739,952 shares were sold for the total amount of some 2.9 billion sums.

In the reporting week the trades were conducted not only on the secondary market platform but also on the platform for IPO floats. At the same time the purchase and sale deals were signed both on the platform for trading stocks for national currency and on the foreign currency platform. Participants were especially active in purchasing shares for national currency, reported Uzreport.

Largest stock turnover per company, UZS - Malika Public Limited Company (1 500 015 014)

Most active company by the number of shares traded - AGRO INVEST SUG''URTA (350 000)

In the past week, the average size of the deal made up 17.2 million sums, which is lower than the indicator of the preceding week (50.5 million sums).

This week the highest indicator of the market price to nominal ratio was recorded in the light industry sector (65.1).

During the week, the highest activeness in the stock market, particularly by the volume of deals made, was observed for the brokerage firms of BC No. 421, BC No. 407, and BC No. 382.

By the industries, the leasing position in the turnover of shares belongs to the light industry. Stock turnover in this segment made up 50.6% of the total volume of trades during the week. It is worth mentioning that a major share of deals was made on the stocks of Malika Public Limited Company. The light industry was followed by the spheres of financial services and energy.

Looking at the market turnover by the regional origin of the issuers, we observe that investors are demonstrating the highest demand for the shares of companies in Tashkent city (90.6% of all deals made for the total amount of 2.686 billion sums).

Also, investors are demonstrating demand for the shares of the companies in Kashkadarya, Bukhara and some of the other regions.

Overall, since the beginning of the year the total exchange turnover has comprised 5.783 billion sums. The total of 250 stock deals have been made during the period. As a result, 1,063,102 shares were traded.

The volume of the exchange turnover in the IPO segment fully matched the volume of the shares put up for sale by the State Property Committee (501.8 million sums, or 8.6% of the total exchange turnover since the beginning of the year).

The volume of the secondary market turnover continues to lead, and its share of the total turnover has reached 5.2 billion sums.