Professor Victor Sarianidi - distinguished archaeologist, doctor of historical sciences, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Russia and winner of the International Prize named after Makhtumkuli - received the order "For the great love of independent Turkmenistan" from President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at a ceremony held at the Ruhiyet Palace in Ashgabat on 26 October.

Victor Sarianidi, who has been leading archaeological excavations in the territory of Turkmenistan for about half a century, expressed gratitude to the Turkmen president for high appreciation of his work, as well as for care and attention that the head of state pays to the study of the rich cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, the revival of science and archeology in the country.

As part of the ceremony, the order "Star of the President" was handed to Chairman of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of Turkmenistan Murad Karryev; the medal "For the love of Fatherland" was handed to Chief of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat Alexey Tikhomirov and to Counselor of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Turkmenistan Sultan-Zade Vahdet Mamed Aga Oglu. Vice Rector for Research of the International Turkmen-Turkish University Zeki Pektash was awarded the medal "Gairat" for significant contribution to the development of Turkmenistan''s education and science.