The construction of industrial facilities at Samandepe field, from which the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China gas pipeline originates, is entering the home stretch. This was reported by the State News Agency of Turkmenistan (TDH) in connection with a working visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Lebap province on 10 November.

A large-scale work on construction of facilities at Samandepe field and preparation of operating wells has been carried out in the contractual territory Bagtyyar. A major overhaul of the big group of old wells has been completed, and several new wells have been drilled.

Chinese experts have built the Samandepe gas processing plant with the projected capacity of processing of up to 5 billion cubic meters of sulfur dioxide and other gas, producing 170 tons of hydrocarbon condensate and 210 tons of pure sulfur gas per year. It is reported that the bulk of work has been carried out at this construction site. The powerful industrial infrastructure has been built there to pump natural gas to the plant.

As of today, there has been built a ground part of the Turkmen section of the Malay-Bagtyyarlyk pipeline, gas gathering points, compressor stations, gas-measuring installation of external engineering and communication networks.

According to official reports, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov viewed these sites and instructed relevant officials to take all steps to ensure the official commissioning of Samandepe field and gas processing plant in December this year.