The Government of Japan allocated grants for US$589,517 to seven projects in Uzbekistan, which will be directed at improving water supply to population and irrigation and drainage systems.

The grants were issued within Japan Government’s no-sting aid to grass-root projects.

Administrations of Rishtan district (Ferghana region, US$81,864), Muynak district (US$79,330) and Tahtakuprik district (both Karakalpakstan, US$77,182) received grants for reconstruction and construction of water supply systems.

Japan also issued US$84,800 to Shavat district administration and the same amount to Kushkupir district administration (both Khorezm region) and US$85,000 to Nukus district administration (Karakalpakstan). These funds will be directed to purchase excavators to improve irrigation and drainage systems.