State Duma deputy, head of the Fair Russia faction Sergei Mironov proposed to introduce a temporary moratorium on granting Russian citizenship to immigrants from Central Asia, the “Parlamentskaya Gazeta” writes.
The parliamentarian recalled that Fair Russia had already launched a similar initiative in 2022. Now, when the aggravated migration problems are in the spotlight of legislators, it is necessary to return to consideration of this issue, he believes.
According to Mironov, the state must resist the “mass certification of migrant workers” and protect its interests in the field of national security, including through a moratorium on granting Russian citizenship to residents of Central Asian countries.
“At least until 2026. And during this time, it is possible to regulate legislation, reform the migration service, clearing it of bribes, and also check the legality of previously issued passports,” - the parliamentarian believes.
Earlier, deputies from Fair Russia and the Liberal Democratic Party put forward a number of legislative initiatives aimed at tightening migration legislation and restricting the rights of migrants in Russia. Parliamentarians, in particular, proposed to ban migrants from transporting their families to Russia, working as couriers with salaries above 100 thousand rubles, and buying traumatic weapons for those who recently acquired Russian citizenship. In addition, it was proposed to deprive the citizenship of the Russian Federation of those naturalized foreigners who did not register for military service, as well as to oblige migrants to make a cash advance for a return ticket.
At the same time, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev said that the authorities would not allow discriminatory decisions when improving migration legislation.