Two Russian citizens, with whom communication was lost a few days ago, were rescued. According to the Russian Embassy in Tajikistan, communication with the climbers disappeared during their ascent to Ozodi Peak (previously called Korzhenevskaya Peak, one of the seven thousandth peaks of Tajikistan ed.).

"Information about this was received by the diplomatic mission on August 16. To save the Russians, the Consular Department of the Russian Embassy appealed to the Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense of Tajikistan and other government agencies of the republic," the embassy said in a statement.

According to the results of the rescue operation, Russian citizens were found and taken to Dushanbe on August 19. "They are currently feeling well and plan to return to Russia on Wednesday, August 21," the diplomatic mission said.

Ozodi Peak with a height of 7,105 meters is located in the northern part of the ridge of the Academy of Sciences. It is located 13 km north of Ismoil Somoni Peak and is one of the five seven-thousandth peaks in Tajikistan.

The peak was discovered on August 23, 1910, by the Russian geographer Nikolai Korzhenevsky, who named it after his wife Evgenia. In 2020, the peak was renamed Ozodi.