The mother of Temur Khusinov, a prisoner of the Volgograd correctional colony No. 19, who was called a participant in the hostage-taking in the correctional colony, told “RIA Novosti” that her son was not in the footage distributed on social networks.
"My son is not there, understand it. The people who did it there are completely different people, my son is not there," Khusinov's mother told the agency.
Khusinov's brother Amirbek told the Uzbek BBC service that Timur's parents live in Russia and came to Surovikino, but they were not told anything about their son's fate in the colony. According to him, he and his brother recently talked on the phone, and he was looking forward to being released in November. Amirbek also does not consider his brother inclined to join radical Islamist groups.
"We believe that the Russian media is spreading false information about my brother. Temur is not visible in any of the videos or photos taken during the incident," he stressed.
Khusinov is a citizen of Uzbekistan. He was sentenced in 2019 to six years in a penal colony in the case of intentional infliction of serious bodily harm resulting in death. In November 2018, he made a remark to two drunken passers-by, a scuffle began between them, during which Khusinov hit one of the men in the temple, he fell to the asphalt. The man was taken to the hospital with fractures of the skull bones and an open craniocerebral injury, he died without regaining consciousness. Khusinov pleaded not guilty in court.
Earlier, the Telegram channel Baza wrote that Khusinov and another prisoner, Ramzidin Toshev, were initially mistakenly included in the orientation of the participants in the riot.
"Prisoners Ramzidin Toshev and Temur Khusinov did not take part in the hostage-taking in correctional colony 19 in the Volgograd region. They were mistakenly included in the orientation. The identity of the attackers was found out after their elimination," the channel wrote.

According to Baza, in addition to Navruzi Rustamjon and Nazirjon Toshov, the participants in the attack were Shobdulkarimkhon Karimov and Shohijakhon Saifiev (both natives of Tajikistan).
The first was sentenced in 2019, and the second in 2022. In both cases, for attempting to distribute drugs on a large scale.
Now, it turns out that all the participants in the capture are citizens of Tajikistan: the previously named Nazirjon Toshov, who made statements on camera and Rustamjon Navruzi (wore a homemade vest, which, as some telegram channels suggested, could contain explosives), as well as Shobdulkarimkhon Karimov and Shohijakhon Saifiev.
The "Hostage Taker Leader" in Correctional Colony 19
It is 38-year-old Shobdulkarimkhon Karimov whom the telegram channels, associated with the security forces, call the "ringleader" and "leader" of the hostage-taking in the Volgograd colony. According to the court case file examined by the “Agency”, he was in prison for a drug charge, and judging by numerous appeals, he did not agree with the verdict. His brother served his sentence in the correctional colony 19 with him.
The last name of this participant in the seizure was found out by the “Agency” using published videos. They found his social media account, where he introduced himself as Bobojon Karimov.

Karimov is the author of the published videos from the colony. Mash called the author of the video "the ringleader of the riot." The VCHK-OGPU channel also called him the "terrorist leader".
Karimov, according to leaks, received his passport in Dushanbe, which he indicated as his native one on the “VKontakte” page. Since at least 2017, he has lived in Moscow: The Department of the Interior Ministry for the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye district put him on special account as a nonresident, the “Agency” writes.
Karimov received his term in April 2019, it follows from the case file on the website of the Traktorozavodsky district Court of Volgograd. He and five other people were convicted of preparing for the production or sale of drugs on a large scale as part of a group. Shobdulkarimkhon Karimov and other defendants in the case were charged with selling heroin, and he refused to admit guilt to the end.
The term of Karimov's imprisonment is unknown from the card. The article imputed to him implies from 10 to 20 years in prison.
Together with Shobdulkarimkhon Karimov, as the “Agency” suggests, his brother Farrukhjon, who was also imprisoned in Correctional colony 19 in the Volgograd region in 2020, was probably convicted.
Hostages were also killed?
The hostage-taking in Correctional colony 19 took place on August 23. The prisoners attacked the Federal Penitentiary Service staff and took 12 people hostages. The invaders claimed to belong to the “Islamic State”.
The first names of the four attackers - Temur Khusinov, Ramziddin Toshev (citizens of Uzbekistan), Nazirjon Toshov and Rustamjon Navruzi (natives of Tajikistan) - were named by TASS with reference to court verdicts.
All the attackers were killed in the assault. In addition, according to the Federal Penitentiary Service, four employees of the department were killed, eight more people (four colony workers and the same number of prisoners) were injured.
Meanwhile, according to the “Agency”, there were also dead prisoners. The footage shows that, in addition to the invaders, four more people in civilian clothes were killed during the assault (most likely other prisoners who were among the hostages). This information has not been officially confirmed.
The video on Vladislav Pozdnyakov's Telegram channel shows seven bodies lying on the parade ground, from which the hostage takers recorded the video. Three bodies are lying separately. Two of them have the same clothes that were on the participants of the capture. Four more bodies are lying next to the wall of the building with their hands tied. Pozdnyakov explained that these were prisoners who were also held hostage.
Officially, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia did not report the death of hostages from among the prisoners. The agency reported only that four prisoners were injured.
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