DUSHANBE, March 7, Asia-Plus  -- Another large amount of drugs has been detained at the Shar-Shar traffic police checkpoint in the Danghara district of Khatlon province.

         Fayzullo Gadoyev, chief of the Interior Ministry department for combating drug trafficking (drug police), has told Asia-Plus that drug police found more than 8 kilograms of raw opium in a car “Nexia” that was stopped at the Shar-Shar traffic police checkpoint yesterday.  The drugs were found in a bag of the passenger, resident of the Vose district Bakhtiyor Ismoilov.  The car’s driver, also resident of the Vose district Azam Mahmadjonov, and Bakhtiyor Ismoilov, were arrested on suspicion of having been involved in drug trafficking; investigation is under way.     

            The Tajik drug police chief says that throughout Tajikistan during last day, 15 kilograms of drugs were intercepted.