A honor guard platoon commander has hit a soldier with a sickle after he refused to mow the grass.
The commander of the honor guard platoon of one of subunits of the Ministry of Defense deployed in Dushanbe, Lieutenant Komron Saidamadov, is found guilty of abusing power.
In a ruling handed down by the Dushanbe military Lieutenant Saidamadov will transfer 15 percent of his salary to the state during a year.
The sentenced followed his conviction on charges of abusing power or authority (Article 391 of Tajikistan’s Penal Code).
An official source at the Dushanbe military court says Lieutenant Saidamadov in late April ordered two soldiers to mow the grass near the drill ground.
“One of soldiers refused to carry out the order saying that he is allergic to grass and the officer hit him with a back side of sickle on the head,” said the source. “Medical examination has established that the soldier was slightly injured.”