Three officials from the northern city of Konibodom (Sughd province) have been fined for embezzlement of state funds intended for sportsmen.
According to the Prosecutor-General’s Office, the head of the Konibodom department for youth and sports affairs, director of the sports facility Z. Saidov and his deputy R. Karimjonov his deputy V. Sharipov have forged official documents on sending two athletes – Ali Sharipov and Olimdon Nazirov – to the free-style wrestling competitions in Kyiv (Ukraine) and Krasnoyarsk (Russia) and embezzlement 30,500 somoni allocated by the city budget for payment of the athletes’ travel expenses.
Criminal proceedings have reportedly been instituted against the corrupt officials under the provisions of two articles of Tajikistan’s Penal Code: Article 245 – embezzlement or misappropriation of funds; and Article 323 – official forgery.
The Konibodom city court has sentenced them to pay fines. Besides, they are barred from holding positions in sports facilities during a year.