The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan has announced a new approach to combating witchcraft and fortune telling in the country.

Now, in addition to the persecution of sorcerers and fortune tellers themselves, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also take measures against citizens who turn to them.

"As a result of operational and preventive measures, it was revealed that citizens who turn to fortune tellers and sorcerers, pay for their services, thereby develop their activities," the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country reports.

In the last month alone, according to the ministry, more than 150 such persons have been registered with the Ministry, and measures are being taken against them in accordance with the law.

"All persons applying for magical services will be called to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where appropriate protocols will be drawn up for them, and their data and photos will be entered into the department's database," - notes the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Recently, law enforcement agencies have been actively engaged in identifying fortune tellers, regularly conducting raids.

Despite these efforts, as noted by the police, the number of people using the services of fortune tellers and sorcerers remains significant.

141 people engaged in magical practices have been detained in Dushanbe since the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the capital reported.

According to the new amendments made to Article 482 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Tajikistan dated June 21 of this year, a fine of 80 to 100 indicators for calculations or administrative arrest for a period of 10 to 15 days is provided for practicing divination and witchcraft.

In addition, article 240 (Appendix 1) was added to the Criminal Code of the country. It states that in case of repeated commission of these acts within a year after the administrative penalty, a criminal case will be initiated. Fortune tellers face a fine of 1,500 to 2,000 indicators for calculations or imprisonment for a period of one to two years.

In Tajikistan, administrative liability for witchcraft was introduced in 2008, and since 2015, a criminal penalty of up to 7 years in prison has been provided for conducting magical rituals.

But despite this, people continue to use the services of fortune tellers and sorcerers.