The head of the Istaravashan mayor’s office, F. Nosirov, has been detained on suspicion of fraud, says the Agency for State Financial Control and Combating Corruption.

The preliminary investigation has reportedly established that during the period from August20, 2022 to July 1, 2024, heading the Istaravashan mayor’s office, Nosirov have committed large-scale-fraud-related crimes.

The anticorruption agency also notes that Nosirov had two previous convictions.

In 2023, learning about intention of resident of Istaravshan City, Yu. R., to purchase a house, Nosirov offered him to privatize public housing in exchange for 45,000 somonis for two apartments in the city of Istaravshan.

As a result of deception, he received the money from this citizen through his wife and spent this money on personal needs without taking any action in the interests of the victims, the anticorruption agency says.  

Istaravshan is a city in Sughd Province in northern Tajikistan.  The Tajik government changed the name of the city from Uroteppa to Istarashan in 2000.