Tajik President Emomali Rahmon sharply criticized the practice of taking schoolchildren to a meeting with government officials. He called such actions inappropriate and contrary to his instructions.

On September 1, in his speech at the new school No. 19 in the capital on the occasion of the “Day of Knowledge”, Emomali Rahmon also expressed sharp dissatisfaction with a number of other serious problems in the country's education system.


Using students for official meetings

The President condemned the practice of withdrawing schoolchildren, students and teachers to greet government officials, including the head of state himself. In his speech, the Head of state stressed that such actions are inappropriate and contrary to his instructions.

“I forbade it. If an official has come, that's good, but he's not a guest, this is his country. Let him come, look at and correct the shortcomings in his field. A guest is someone who comes from another country,” - said Rahmon.

According to him, using children to meet with officials is a punishment for students, as they are forced to stand outside for hours in bad weather, heat, and wind, which is completely unacceptable.

“The main task of children is to study, not to participate in greetings at various events and openings,” the president said and instructed the relevant structures, including the Commissioner for Human Rights, to ensure that such violations are not allowed anywhere at the district and city levels, except for events at the republican level.


Problems with attendance and form

The President said that during the inspection on May 17 of this year, serious problems were recorded in almost 360 educational institutions with both student attendance and the presence of teachers.

In particular, 88 thousand students were absent from classes without valid reasons, 26 thousand did not have the appropriate uniform, and 28 thousand came to classes without educational supplies. In addition, more than 1,900 teachers did not attend classes that day, and about 2,000 teachers were dressed inappropriately.

The President expressed regret over these problems and stressed that it is necessary to strictly control attendance and discipline in schools.

He also noted that in some educational institutions children are indicated as being present in classes, although in fact they are abroad.

“This is especially true for the children of businessmen or officials. This practice must be eradicated,” he said.


Unjustified collection of funds

The Head of State also criticized the practice of unjustified collection of funds from students, including fees for teachers' birthdays.

“There was no such thing in my time. No one collected money for gifts to teachers and did not discuss who had a birthday when. These practices are unacceptable,” - the president said.

He also instructed the relevant structures of districts and cities not to involve teachers in raising funds for official meetings or events.

“Such events should be funded exclusively by government agencies, and not by fees at educational institutions.


Parents' attacks on teachers

The President also condemned some parents who conflict with teachers, noting that this shows their lack of good manners.

“It is important to respect and appreciate teachers, regardless of who the parents are. Without their (teachers') jobs, there would be no prosecutors, no police, no successful education. If there were no teachers, neither I nor all of you, ministers and officials sitting here, would be able to be here,” - said Emomali Rahmon.