The EU Integrated Rural Development Project/ TRIGGER is part of GIZ Green Climate Action Month, which started on 21 August 2022 and will end on 17 September 2022. The Green Climate Action Month is launched in partnership with the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) under the Government of Tajikistan to strengthen action on climate change and biodiversity conservation.

The Project is contributing directly to environmental protection, building climate resilience and conservation of agrobiodiversity through advisory services on sustainable land use practices and farming models (e.g., diversification of crops and varieties at farm level, erosion control, sustainable irrigation infrastructure, reducing the need for fertilizer and pesticides, etc.). The latest extreme weather events and environmental disasters show the importance of climate change and the urgency to address its consequences.

A series of informative Eco-podcasts “LISTEN GREEN” will be conducted from 25 August until 17 September 2022 by “Tri Medvedya” Studio with political partners and experts on different environmental topics e.g., climate change, biodiversity, integrative land use and the importance of sustainable agriculture for Tajikistan. 

Furthermore, on 16 September 2022, the Project in cooperation with the State Department of Environment Protection of Sughd region and NGO “Youth Group on Protection of Environment” (YGPE) /Aarhus Centre in Khujand city will conduct an action related to the World Clean-up Day in Kamoli Khujandi Park. This event will unite people to tackle the global waste problem and build a sustainable world.  

The Project acts toward the improved policy environment and performance of agriculture, which will contribute most notably to poverty alleviation, zero hunger, clean water and sanitation and decent work and economic growth through rural development.

Integrated Rural Development Project/ GIZ “Towards Rural Inclusive Growth and Economic Resilience (TRIGGER)” is a joint project of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by GIZ, to boost the added value of agricultural production in Tajikistan. For further details, please contact Sharofat Ashurova at , telephone number +992 987270046.