Cardiologist Shukhratjon Satorov develops the interaction of Tajik specialists with foreign colleagues in the application of advanced medical technologies.

Shukhratjon Satorov realized that he wanted to become a doctor-scientist when he was a child. Before his eyes, there was always an example of his father – the famous Tajik scientist, professor of microbiology, immunology and virology Saidbek Satorov, who strongly supported the initiatives of his capable son.

In 2006, Shukhratjon entered the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University. He successfully graduated it in 2012 with a Bachelor of Medicine degree.

Even during his studies, he showed an extraordinary interest in medical science, especially in the works of the luminaries of Tajik medicine – the rector of TSMU, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Professor Yusuf Bashirkhonovich Ishaki, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Professor Minkhoj Gulyamovich Gulyamov, famous scientist-therapist Professor Yusuf Shokov and other world-famous scientists of our country and other countries.

Upon graduation, Shukhratjon completed a post-graduate internship in Germany in the city of Bochum, and a year later continued his studies in Moscow, at the residency of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. There Shukhratjon decided on a specialization – cardiology.

In 2015, Shukhratjon returned to his native Dushanbe and engaged in research at the National Scientific Center for Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation, and in 2016 he was invited to Rutgers University, USA. Under the guidance of a well-known scientist in the field of biology and medicine, Professor Ilya Raskin, a young Tajik specialist successfully mastered current methods and key issues of the development and prospects of modern biomedicine.

Shukhratjon actively participates and makes presentations at various scientific symposia and conferences. In particular, in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, he participated in international symposiums and conferences called "Plants and Human Health", where leading scientists in the field of medicine and biology from the USA were present: Professors Ilya Raskin, Jacqueline Stephens, Bill Gurley, Vyacheslav Dushenkov; from Indonesia – Ernavata Sinaga; from Mongolia – Altangerel Altantsetseg; from Kazakhstan – Aizhan Turmagambetova.

In September 2016, Shukhratjon Satorov took part in the All-Russian Scientific Conference of students and young Specialists "Topical issues of modern medicine: the view of a young specialist", which was held in Ryazan, where he made a presentation, exchanged views and discussed issues of prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as new achievements of world medicine with leading scientists from various countries.

Despite his young age, Shukhratjon is the author of more than 30 scientific publications, including 4 articles in English published in well-known international scientific journals indexed in the Scopus database.

Today, Shuhratjon lives in the United States with his family – his wife and four children, and strives to achieve his dreams. He is preparing to take the USMLE exam in the USA in order to get the opportunity to practice medicine and at the same time continue scientific research, as well as expand and improve his participation in the training of young specialists in the field of medicine in Tajikistan.