Chinese authorities urge Kyrgyzstan to cancel the foodstuff import ban as soon as possible, “in order to avoid negative consequences for dynamic trade relations between the two countries,” Liu Chuanyou, trade and economic issues advisor of the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan said at the press conference on Friday, December 5, 2008.

After discovering melamine in Chinese milk formulas, the Chinese side took quick measures in order to provide quality standards and export products’ safety. In the result, beginning from September 10, 2008, the Chinese chief office on quality, expertise and quarantine inspection tests every lot of milk formulas for melamine.

Beginning from September 20 all dairy products go through the testing, office of the Chinese advisor on trade and economic issues under the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan reported.

Chinese authorities requested their Kyrgyz colleagues, to give full information on melamine containment standards and expertise methodic of melamine detection, employed by Kyrgyzstan. The official Beijing insisted that Kyrgyzstan should consider the issue of Chinese foodstuff exports to Kyrgyzstan objectively.