Kazakhstan, which has one of the world''s largest Uranium reserves, will supply nuclear material to India and interested in a comprehensive energy agreement.

Marat Shaikhutdinov from Kazakhstan, who was here to participate in a conference on ''India-Kazakhstan Engagement: issues and prospects'', said that Kazakhstan has no problem in supplying Uranium to India.

“Kazakhstan is also interested in a comprehensive energy agreement with India, including supply of oil and gas,” he added.

The conference was organized on the eve of Nursultan Nazarbaev, Kazak President visit to India.

Kazakhstan, which will chair the Orgnisation of Islamic Conference in 2011, also wants to actively cooperate with India in fighting terror.

Shaikhutdinov lamented that though the two countries signed an agreement to fight terror in 2002 and formed a joint working group, nothing much has happened.

"There were only exchanges of delegations. Nothing worked beyond that. There was no practical interaction with actual experts," he added.

Maharaja Krishna Rasgotra, Former Foreign Secretary, who also heads the Observer Research Foundation''s Centre for International Relations, said that while there is a great potential for cooperation, it was much below potential.

Conference was organized by ORF, Kazinform reported referring to Press Trust of India.