The Pervomayski court of Bishkek city pronounced a sentence to the Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs Alikbek Dzhekshenkulov.

The former head of the MFA was found find guilty in abuse of power and received conditional sentence for 5 years without the right to occupy state posts within 3 years. The court has acquitted him in implication in the murder of Turkish businessman Servet Chetin.

The court also acquitted the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who were also targeted in this case. Accusations of negligence were exculpated from them in view of the limitation period expiration of the committed crime.

Ilyas Abdykadyrov was adjudged guilty in cover-up of a crime and sentenced for 4 years of imprisonment in colony-settlements. However, he was acquitted in the court room: the judge has given the term of imprisonment during the investigation. Bakyt Supataev by the same accusation is adjudged for 3 years of conditional sentence with a probation period of 1 year without the right to change of residence place.