Speaking at the official ceremony of putting the modernized generating unit 1 unit of the Nurek hydroelectric power plant (HPP) -- the main asset of Tajikistan’s energy system – into operation, Mr. Antonio Nunez, Program Leader for Infrastructure, World Bank Office in Central Asia, stated on October 24 that once rehabilitated, the Nurek HPP will not only help increase reliable electricity supply for people and businesses in Tajikistan but will also enable increased export of clean renewable energy resources and contribute to decarbonization of the Central Asia region.

“I am glad that the World Bank is among development partners supporting the rehabilitation of this important facility for Tajikistan’s energy security and economic growth,” he said, according to the World Bank Country Office for Tajikistan.
The ceremony was attended by key representatives from the Government of Tajikistan, the World Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB), and other international development institutions.
The completion of the unit -- the first of nine expected to be rehabilitated through the project, reportedly represents a major milestone for the Nurek HPP. The new turbine extends the economic life of the unit by 35 years, with the previous turbine having been out of operation since 2019. The new unit also has a larger 375MW capacity – 10 percent higher than the old unit, and is expected to generate 1380 GWH per year, 135 GWh more than the original unit. This will allow Nurek to better serve domestic electricity customers, as well as expanding export capacity to the regions of the country.
The World Bank Country Office for Tajikistan notes that the rehabilitation of the Nurek HPP, launched in 2019, is implemented in two phases.
The first phase is financed by the World Bank (US$225.7 million), the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (US$60 million) and the Eurasian Development Bank (US$40 million). It has reportedly focused on rehabilitating three of the nine generating units, replacing and refurbishing hydromechanical equipment and the key infrastructural components of the power plant, replacing six autotransformers that are used to evacuate the generated electricity, and enhancing dam safety with a special focus on protection against seismic hazards and floods.
The project’s second phase, financed by the World Bank in the amount of US$115 million is supporting the rehabilitation of the remaining six generating units, the Nurek bridge, the powerhouse, and other key buildings, while strengthening the HPP’s capacity to operate and maintain the power plant.
The Nurek HPP, with an installed capacity of over 3,000 megawatts, reportedly generates about 50 percent of total annual energy demand in Tajikistan. Operational at only 77 percent, the facility is currently undergoing its first major rehabilitation since its commissioning in 1972. Once completed, the rehabilitation will allow the Nurek HPP to increase winter generation by 33 million kWh, which is central to the Government’s efforts to ensure that energy demand can be met even during the coldest months. During the summer months, Tajikistan could expand electricity exports from its clean hydro resources and generate much-needed additional revenues for the power sector.

Tajikistan’s energy sector has been a priority area of engagement for the World Bank. Its current investments in this sector stand at US$641 million to support the sector’s financial and operational sustainability, ensuring provision of affordable and stable electricity supply to families and businesses domestically and generation of much needed revenues from increased export of clean, non-fossil energy resources.
Currently, the World Bank is financing 23 projects in Tajikistan totaling US$1.4 billion. Since 1996, it provided US$2.5 billion in IDA grants, highly concessional credits, and trust funds for Tajikistan. The World Bank is committed to continuing its support for Tajikistan as it strives to improve the lives and meet the aspirations of its young and growing population.