In the first half of this year, the Ministry of Finance of Tajikistan issued licenses for individual extraction of alluvial minerals to 223 individuals.

According to the Ministry, 144 people received permission to work in the territories of republican subordination districts, 36 in Khatlon region, 18 in GBAO, 16 in Dushanbe, 9 in Sogd.

Thus, the number of prospectors in the republic exceeded 7 thousand people.

The Ministry of Finance recalls that by a decree of the Government of Tajikistan in November 2019, the Rules for issuing permits to individuals for the extraction of placer minerals by prospecting and free-bearing methods were approved, and since January 2020, the Ministry of Finance has begun issuing permits.

Individuals can engage in the extraction of placer minerals in areas with uncounted and unaccounted for mineral reserves of the country on the state balance sheet.

To obtain a permit, individuals must contact the local financial authority and obtain it there, after approval by the Ministry of Finance of the country.

The list of placer minerals, the extraction of which is allowed by the prospecting and free-bearing method, includes:

- semi-precious and precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, tin (stony tin), tungsten (wolframite, scheelite), titanium (rutile, ilmenite, leucoxene), minerals of rare earth elements (loparite, monazite, xenotime, basnesite);

- precious and semi-precious stones: corundum group - ruby and sapphire, chrysolite, topaz, beryl, spinel, clinohumite, garnets, jade, agate, quartz group (rock crystal), placers of antimony, fluorite and other minerals in eluvial, deluvial, proluvial and colluvial deposits.