Thirteen criminal proceedings were instituted against twenty law enforcement officers in Khatlon province last year , according to the Khatlon chief prosecutor’s office.

“The preliminary investigation into nine cases has been completed and they have already moved to a court,” a source within the Khatlon chief prosecutor’s office told Asia-Plus in an interview.  

The source however refrained from giving further details of those criminal proceedings and persons against whom those criminal proceedings were instituted.  

He further noted that inspections carried out by prosecutors last year revealed 288 cases of the concealment of crimes.  

“Of this number, 92 criminal proceedings were moved to a court and 154 police officers were implicated in wrongdoing, and disciplinary action was imposed upon them,” the source said.  

According to the statistical data from the Khatlon chief prosecutor’s office, 6,991 crimes were registered in the province last year, which is 1,333 cases more than in 2019.  

82.9 percent of all the crimes were solved in 2020, the source added.