In the city of Bokhtar, out of 300 thousand somoni allocated for the repair and restoration of municipal equipment, 70 thousand somoni were stolen. This was reported to journalists by the head of the Khatlon region of Tajikistan, Davlatali Said.

A few years ago, as part of the Bokhtar Solid Waste Management project, 12 units of new equipment worth $1.23 million were purchased for a subsidiary of the state-owned enterprise Khojagii Kommunali. Over time, it turned out that some of this technique does not work.

300 thousand somoni were allocated from the regional budget for the repair of equipment. However, according to Davlatali Said, "two cars were restored for 200 thousand somoni, the investigation of the regional prosecutor's office found that 70 thousand somoni were stolen."

The head of the region also noted the unsatisfactory performance of the Bokhtar municipal sector and stressed that the current capabilities of this structure are insufficient to solve the problem of garbage in the city. In this regard, he proposed to transfer Khojagia Communal to the balance of the city.

"We have proposed to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan to transfer municipal enterprises of the city to the balance of Bokhtar. The issue is currently under consideration," he explained.

It should be noted that we are talking about 12 units of equipment transferred to the subsidiary SE "Khojagii Kommunali" of the city of Bokhtar in 2018. In particular, 5 KAMAZ garbage trucks, a KAMAZ truck and a lifting and processing machine were purchased.

The debt for the purchased equipment has not yet been fully repaid, and half of the purchased equipment has already fallen into disrepair.

Alisher Tagoimurodov, chief engineer of the State Unitary Enterprise "Khojagii Kommunali" in Bokhtar, said a year ago that 6 purchased cars had become unusable. The city authorities have found a way to solve the problem by attracting personal vehicles for garbage collection. Private trucks are hired by contract.