President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon made personnel changes in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Internal Affairs, Agriculture, the Executive Office of the President of Tajikistan and Barki Tojik.

According to the press service of the President of the country, Jamshed Safarzoda and Saidasror Abdullozoda have been appointed to responsible positions of the commander of the Ministry of Defense by presidential decrees and resolutions of the Government of the Republic.

According to the press service, in coordination with the President, "young and qualified personnel with leadership experience" were appointed to the positions of the authorized representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the regional center for information coordination of Central Asia on combating illicit trafficking in drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, heads of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Khorog (GBAO), in the Hamadoni district (Khatlon) and in the districts of Varzob and Tajikabad, First Deputy and Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic, military commissars of the Kushonien and Levakant Khatlon districts, in Shakhrinavsky, Zafarabad districts, In the Spitamensk and Asht districts of Sogda and the director of the project implementation group "Reduction of energy losses" of JSC "Barki tojik".

The following changes have been made in the Executive Office of the President:

Mahmoud Jumazoda has become a senior adviser to the Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs

Salim Salimzoda has been appointed head of the Department of Agriculture.

And Zulfiya Davlatzoda, who previously held the post of Minister of Culture of the country and was released in January this year, became the head of the Department of social development.

Mahmoud Amirzoda became the head of the Infrastructure Development Department, Sayazam Kodirzoda became the head of the Department of Religion, regulation of traditions and holidays.

Khurshed Arabzoda now heads the department of the State Unitary Enterprise Repair and Construction, Tojiddin Rahimzoda became deputy head of the Infrastructure Development Department, and Farkhod Sobirzoda became director of the Sharky Ozord publishing complex.

In addition, Nurali Asozoda was appointed First Deputy Minister of Agriculture.

Odinashoh Valizoda was dismissed from the post of head of the department of religion, regulation of traditions and holidays, Guljahon Abdufattohzoda was dismissed from the post of head of the Department of Social Development in connection with reaching the age limit of public service.

At a meeting with the newly appointed cadres, Emomali Rahmon "called on them to work honestly and in good faith, put the interests of the state and the people of Tajikistan first, protect the interests of the Motherland on the world stage, and ensure the rule of law."