In an effort to address and prevent bullying and cyberbullying in high schools, Tajikistan has developed a comprehensive methodological guide for school administrations, homeroom teachers, and educators.


Key objectives

The guide aims to:

  • Reduce violence among students.
  • Prevent hostility, delinquency, and significant societal issues like domestic violence, torture, discrimination, stigmatization, and parochialism.
  • Foster tolerance, human rights, patriotism, and responsibility, nurturing a new generation of responsible citizens.
  • Promote safe behavior and universal values among students through timely prevention of bullying.


Steps for Handling Bullying Incidents

The guide outlines detailed procedures for reporting and documenting bullying incidents:

  • Mandatory incident reports and complaint submissions.
  • Timely notification of school administration and parents of victims.
  • Clear roles for school administration, teachers, homeroom teachers, psychologists, and security personnel, including monitoring, investigating, and supporting victims.


Disciplinary measures

The guide establishes disciplinary actions and behavior correction mechanisms for bullies:

  • Conducting educational conversations.
  • Participation in thematic activities.
  • Other measures aimed at changing aggressive behavior.


Prevention Measures

Preventive measures include:

  • Training students, staff, and parents.
  • Thematic events and round tables to raise awareness and develop conflict prevention skills.
  • Protection of personal data for students and staff, especially during cyberbullying investigations to ensure confidentiality and protect rights.


Collaboration and community involvement

The guide emphasizes collaboration with:

  • Human rights organizations, specialists, and law enforcement.
  • Families through parent meetings, open lessons, and individual conversations with homeroom teachers and school psychologists.
  • Psychologists, who will develop surveys to assess bullying levels in classrooms, identifying prevalent forms and contributing norms and traditions.


Individual action plans for victims

Each bullying or cyberbullying victim will have an individualized action plan to:

  • Restore their psychological and physical well-being.
  • Ensure confidentiality.
  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented measures.


Institutional responsibilities

The guide mandates schools to:

  • Develop and approve internal documents outlining responses to bullying and cyberbullying.
  • Define staff roles and responsibilities.
  • Establish procedures for notification, investigation, and action in case of violations.


By implementing this methodological guide, Tajikistan aims to create a safer and more supportive educational environment for all students, fostering a culture of respect and responsibility.

It is to be noted that only a few teachers recognized bullying as a serious issue in their own schools.  Boys who are younger or from lower socio-economic statuses are most likely to be bulled.