A scientific and practical conference: “Development of Female Entrepreneurs: Situation, Problems and Ways of Solving the Problems” took place in Dushanbe yesterday. 

Organized by the Center for Strategic Studied under the President of Tajikistan, the conference brought together representatives of relevant ministries and agencies, some banks, as well as experts and journalists to discuss the female entrepreneurship situation, development of it, grants, and recommendations on development of the female entrepreneurship in today’s environment.

The sphere of female entrepreneurship in Tajikistan’s national development strategy for the period up to 2030 was called the driving force of development of economic stability, the primary means to achieve national goals.

In this context, there were defined steps of creating conditions for resolving issues related to supporting the female entrepreneurship in the country.  

According to data voiced during the conference, almost 90,000 female entrepreneurs have worked in Tajikistan as of January 1 this year, with 42 percent of them living in Sughd province, 27.5 percent living in Khatlon province, 16.8 percent living in districts subordinate to the center (RRP), 12 percent living in Dushanbe, and 1.8 percent living in the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO).

However, as it was noted at the conference, most female entrepreneurs in Tajikistan have been doing primitive business.    

Some experts note that women’s entrepreneurship is a rising priority for the Government of Tajikistan.  Owning a business is a pathway for women’s economic development and gender equality, which are goals of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  The Government of Tajikistan has reportedly taken a number of steps to build a supportive environment for women to start and grow businesses.  Despite progress, obstacles to women’s entrepreneurship remain.  Formal financial institutions are still twice as likely to issue loans to men.  Underdeveloped social and telecommunication infrastructure in rural areas restrict women’s time and access to resources.  Lack of business knowledge and capital alongside societal norms regarding traditional family roles are frequently cited as the biggest impediments to women-owned businesses in Tajikistan.