Dushanbe Mayor Rustam Emomali has not deceived the expectations of people who invested in construction of an apartment building on the Shevchenko Street and ordered to take adequate measures to remove shortcomings in construction of residential buildings in the city.
The mayor has got acquainted with an article entitled “My upovayem tolko na mera” (We Set Hopes Only upon the Mayor) that was published in Asia-Plus newspaper, in which investors apply to the mayor over construction companies Muhammad 2009 and Muhammad 2014 that have deceived them, according to the press center of the Dushanbe mayor’s office.
On January 22, Rustam Emomali ordered relevant municipal services to take immediate measures to ensure the speedy completion of the long lasting constructions in the residential sector, the press center said.
Asia-Plus wrote about the long lasting construction on the Shevchenko Street twice in 2016.
The owners of the Muhammad 2009 and Muhammad 2014 companies are the Qurbonov brothers Zafar, Nusratullo and Hokim. After the article entitled “Chorniye zastroyshchiki ili kak obmanuli lyudey v Dushanbe” (‘Black’ Builders or How They Deceived People in Dushanbe) one of the brothers was taken under custody and even criminal proceedings were instituted against him. However, he was released after several months.
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